News from Sarah Painter
Writing Challenge Check in: Week 1
So. The first week of my eight week writing challenge (also known as ‘Work My Arse Off Before Christmas’) has passed. How did you guys do? I had a mixed week… I didn’t write at all on two of the seven days and only managed 300 words on Wednesday and…
Friday Five: November. Seriously?
Yes, yes, I know I’m always commenting on how quickly time flies, but really… Seriously? November?! 1. For many writers (both aspiring and professional), November means one thing: NaNoWriMo. I’ve previously established that 50,000 words in a month is utterly beyond me, but I’m still setting myself a writing challenge.…
Eight Weeks and a Challenge
I was going to title this post ‘eight weeks to Christmas’ but I thought you might throw things at me… There are, however, eight weeks of the school term left, which is both a nice-sounding amount of time for a writing challenge and a terrifying amount of time in which…