News from Sarah Painter

  • Hello, February! Writing, Podcasting and Investigating Book Swag

    Hello, my lovelies! Just a quick update to let you know that I’m still here – I’ve just been buried in my Scrivener document, trying to get a first draft finished. I’m working on a follow-up (standalone novel in the same genre) to In The Light of What We See and…


  • 2015: The Greatest Hits

    Hello, my lovelies! The snow has all gone (for the moment) and Jabba the Hutt, lovingly moulded by the Painter family has sadly melted away… However, school has finished and pre-Christmas holiday excitement is in full force around here! I love the turn of the year and the chance to…


  • I have a book cover! Meep!

    Hello, my lovelies! I have a cover and official blurb for my new book, In The Light of What We See.  I think the designers at Lake Union have captured the mood of the book perfectly and I’m thrilled. Hope you like it! Here’s the blurb: Brighton, 1938: Grace Kemp is…
