News from Sarah Painter

  • 2015: Dreaming Big, Setting Goals

    Hello my lovelies! I hope you are having a wonderful winter holiday. In addition to eating chocolate and spending time with family, I’ve been chucking stuff out in preparation for the new year. There is something about the dead time between Christmas and January 1st which gets my ‘clear the…


  • 2014: The Greatest Hits

    Hello my lovelies! Christmas is almost here and I’m winding down for the holiday (yay!). Before I head off* I thought it would be nice to look back on 2014. This is a completely selfish exercise as, while I’m pretty great at setting goals, I’m AWFUL at recognising or remembering…


  • Books, Books, Books!

    Having finished the latest (maybe final?!) rewrite on the WIP, I’m now free to catch up on my reading. Yay! Here are the books I’ve been gazing at longingly for the last few weeks… N.B. This list doesn’t include the books I’ve put on my Christmas wish-list or the pile…
