News from Sarah Painter

  • What I’ve Been Reading

    As well as lots of research books for my WIP, I’ve had a binge on ‘just for fun’ fiction recently, and I’ve read some absolute crackers. We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler If you’ve managed not to read or hear anything about this book then I…


  • Gadabout

    Hello, my lovelies; how are you? I took a break from rewriting the book last week and headed down south for a holiday. In addition to quality time with family, I caught up with two very dear friends who have just had babies. Adorable tiny babies with that ‘new baby…


  • Rewriting and Radio Silence

    Well, perhaps not complete ‘radio silence’  but if you follow me on the internet, you *should* see a marked decrease in my activity. Yes, it’s revision time and I need to cut myself off a bit so that I can dive into the book and let the water close up…
