News from Sarah Painter

  • Happy World Book Day!

    I love World Book Day. A day to celebrate books. A day in which my Twitter feed is full of pictures of adorable kids dressed up as their favourite book characters. A day that includes £1 books (and free tokens) so that children who might not usually get a book…


  • Yay! I won!

    Last month I entered the Scottish Book Trust’s competition to write a story in 50 words and I won! I got to choose a novel poster from The Literary Gift Company as my prize and my story is up on the website now. I’m so delighted – thank you Scottish…


  • Craft: Easy lace scarf

    I’m at the discovery stage of my WIP, which involves lots of staring out of the window, thinking about my book while I’m watching TV or when other people are talking to me (sorry!), making a book collage, a soundtrack, and doing lots of free-writing. The last bit is the…
