News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: Tears, contests, and Obama

    Friday already? Huh. 1.After Ann Coulter referred to President Obama as a ‘retard’, Special Olympics athlete and international  spokesperson John Franklin Stephens penned her this reply.* 2. In case you hadn’t heard, Obama is still president. Also, he does a mean MC Hammer impression. See Above. (Thanks, Keris!). 3. To…


  • StoryWonk NaNo Podcasts

    Why, yes; this is yet another blog about NaNoWriMo. So, are you taking part? I’m not (having established through experience that 50,000 words in a month is beyond me), but I am following a personal challenge to get 30,000 words down during November. With that in mind, I’m lapping up any…


  • Joss Whedon endorses Mitt Romney

    Joss Whedon endorses Mitt Romney. Have I mentioned that I love Joss Whedon? [Via ArghInk]
