News from Sarah Painter
Storytelling tips from Andrew Stanton
In this TED talk filmmaker Andrew Stanton (Toystory, Wall-E) outlines his thoughts on storytelling, including the importance of beginning with a story promise and why telling a story is like telling a joke. [Via Arghink]
Could I write faster?
I’m often frustrated by the speed at which I write. Especially as it’s combined with a somewhat inefficient process of writing a lot of first draft material before I even work out what my story is/who my characters are. It’s always comforting to know that you’re not alone so I…
Friday Five: The happiness edition
This week’s Friday Five is going to be (more than usually) self-obsessed. Brace yourselves! 1. I have an agent! 2. I have a wonderful agent! 3. *grins loopily* 4. Right. Sorry about that… As you were. 5. Meep!