News from Sarah Painter
Monday Motivation: An Invocation for Beginnings
I’m always firmly behind the zeitgeist – five years ago I would’ve been earnestly asking if you’d seen this cool show called The West Wing. Anyhoo, that’s a long way of saying that I only just discovered Ze Frank (courtesy of Laini Taylor’s blog – thank you!). He ran a…
Friday Five: The soundtrack edition
I’ve always liked listening to (loud) music to kickstart a writing session. It energises me and helps to block out both the real world and extraneous mind-chatter. These days I go a step further and create a soundtrack for the story I’m working on. This works in two ways: the…
The William Soutar Writing Prize 2012
This short story competition is run by Perth and Kinross library but is open to writers anywhere in the world. It’s free to enter and the deadline is Monday 18 June 2012. First prize is an Arvon residential writing course (worth around £600) and second prize is £100 in book…