News from Sarah Painter
The Writewell Academy
As I’ve probably mentioned a few hundred times, I’m fan of Jenny Crusie. Her books are my go-to comfort reads; fabulous characters, sparkling dialogue, warm romance and lots of funny. Crusie creates worlds I want to return to time and time again. Hell, I’d live in one of her books…
Giddy with fabric love
Well, would you look at these intriguing parcels that arrived for me this morning. Mysterious, huh? What could be inside? . . . . . . . Only the most perfect, giddy-making fabric I have *ever* seen. My lovely brother and sister-in-law spotted this fabric in The Makery and surmised…
Awesome Geektastic T-shirts
You’ve probably already seen the awesome geektastic t-shirts by Mental Floss, but I thought I’d mention them just in case… If (like me) you’re based in the UK, don’t be afraid to order. I got the ‘ambiguity’ one (pictured above) as a gift and it was delivered in a timely…