
News from Sarah Painter

  • Monday Motivation and a GoodReads Giveaway

    Happy Monday, all! I know that it’s the Spring Bank Holiday here in the UK, but it’s just a normal Monday for me… I’m in my garden office, typing away on the latest book and trying to remember this: [Free PDF printable of the image is available here] I love…


  • Twitter Giveaway: Craft and Listen Pack With Exclusive Pattern!

    My sister-in-law, Fay, has recently launched a craft company, Knit It Hook It Craft It and a podcast, The Crochet Circle. Fay has a true gift for making things. Whether it is cooking beautiful food, tiling a bathroom or stitching a skirt, she achieves excellence in anything I have seen…


  • Friday Catch-up: Exams, writing and getting crafty

    Hello, my lovelies! I thought it was high-time I gave you all a personal update… I’ve been trying to support my eldest with her first set of ‘big’ exams. In Scotland, these are called National 5s and they are roughly equivalent to GCSEs. In truth, there hasn’t been much to…
