
News from Sarah Painter

  • Lessons From Space

    I’m reading Chris Hadfield’s book An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth at the moment and I can see why it became an international bestseller. He’s an immensely impressive and accomplished human being, one who has (quite literally) been places and done things that the vast majority never could, but…


  • He’s back!

    No, not Voldemort; my lovely son. My eleven-year-old went on his school outdoor pursuits trip last week. In Scotland. In March. Yes, there was snow… And I missed him terribly. I mean, serious ‘didn’t I used to have two arms?’ missed him. So, the weekend was spent in a contented…


  • Wordy Wednesday: Let’s Have a Cwtch

    I grew up in Wales and although I went to an English-speaking school, I had lessons in Welsh up to the age of thirteen. Twenty-five years later, I have only a handful of phrases and the ability, if drunk enough, to sing the national anthem. However, as a word-nerd, I’m…
