
News from Sarah Painter

  • Books, Books, Books!

    Having finished the latest (maybe final?!) rewrite on the WIP, I’m now free to catch up on my reading. Yay! Here are the books I’ve been gazing at longingly for the last few weeks… N.B. This list doesn’t include the books I’ve put on my Christmas wish-list or the pile…


  • Progress Update: Includes Stickers!

    Just a quick check-in today, my lovelies, but I thought I’d let you know how my November mini challenge worked out. As I’ve long suspected, the secret to getting anything done lies in stationery… I wanted to re-establish my morning writing routine during November, so I gave myself a cute…


  • Progress Update: Includes Kitten

    Well, my mini writing challenge (15,000 new words, write first thing every morning) has been going really well, but I’m going to have to switch projects from the ‘new shiny’ to the official WIP. I heard back from Agent Fabulous re. the latest rewrite and I have a little more…
