
News from Sarah Painter

  • More France! So pretty…

    As promised, here are a few more pictures from my trip to France. The Dordogne in June is very green – every hill is thickly wooded and the hedgerows bursting with plant life. The landscape is a sea of undulating slopes, dotted with picturesque cottages: It’s like the West Country…


  • A Week In France

    Hello! I’m back! I can now reveal that my week of internet silence (offline for a whole seven days – gasp!) was spent in sunny France. In the Dordogne to be precise. To be even more precise, we stayed in a lovely cottage:     It has beautiful gardens with…


  • Monday Motivation: Just Fifteen Minutes

    I’ve talked about this technique before, but it’s worth repeating. If there is something you don’t really want to do (tax return, cleaning the bathroom, writing your book), set a timer and tell yourself you’re just going to work on it for fifteen minutes. This instantly removes some of pressure.…
