
News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: Random Recommendations

    Hello, hello! Hope you’ve all had a good/productive/positive week! My aim to finish draft two by the end of May has been going pretty well, but it does have the knock-on effect of everything else going to hell in a hand basket. Is that the phrase? I have no idea…


  • Monday Motivation: Treats

    While we may write because we love it, completing (and revising) a novel is Hard Work. Plus, as it’s a solo effort, you have to be your own ‘good boss’. I don’t know about you, but this is definitely an area I could improve… I’m pretty good at setting my…


  • Monday Motivation: The Art of Procrastination

    Okay, I know that isn’t a promising title for a motivational post, but bear with me… The Art of Procrastination: A Guide to Effective Dawdling, Lollygagging and Postponing (written by Stanford philosophy professor John Perry) is concise, witty and surprisingly useful. It offers reassurance,  as well as stealth tactics that will…
