
News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: The self-involved edition

    Hello, hello! How are you all? It’s been an exciting couple of weeks with The Secrets of Ghosts going out into the world (eek!) and getting some lovely reviews (phew!). Plus, I’ve been knuckling down on my WIP. It’s so satisfying to see the word count go up and I’m…


  • The Secrets of Ghosts Publication Day!

    The Secrets of Ghosts is released into the wild today! [Shameless Amazon link] It’s the follow-up to The Language of Spells and, as some of you may know, it put up a bit of a fight. I can’t quite believe it’s finished. And I really can’t believe it’s now Out There. I’m…


  • The Secrets of Ghosts: Book collage

    When I’m working on a book, I make a collage. Definitely a digital one and, usually, a paper one, too. You can see the collage for The Secrets of Ghosts on my bookcase in this picture. This was taken during the first draft, so the collage is nowhere near complete.…
