
News from Sarah Painter

  • Craft: Easy lace scarf

    I’m at the discovery stage of my WIP, which involves lots of staring out of the window, thinking about my book while I’m watching TV or when other people are talking to me (sorry!), making a book collage, a soundtrack, and doing lots of free-writing. The last bit is the…


  • Monday Musings

    [Sorry, no picture. Check out this GIF on Title To Come for an accurate representation of the way I look at the moment.] Good morning! I’m at zero draft stage with my new book so every writing session is riddled with questions. Who are these people? What do they want?…


  • Keeping score

    My love of lists is well-documented but I love keeping records, too. I hesitate to give details, lest I come across as obsessive (heaven forbid!) and a bit odd, but it’s probably too late to worry about that… So. I’ve kept a diary (I don’t write everyday, but regularly enough)…
