
News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: The happiness edition

    This week’s Friday Five is going to be (more than usually) self-obsessed. Brace yourselves! 1. I have an agent! 2. I have a wonderful agent! 3. *grins loopily* 4. Right. Sorry about that… As you were. 5. Meep!


  • Writing room inspiration

    Now that my garden office is becoming a reality (installation date booked – whoop!) I’m turning my attention to the inside. Yes, I know I should be turning my attention to clearing the old shed and rockery that are currently sitting where the office needs to go, but this is…


  • Typewriter Bookplates by Mac and Ninny

    I’ve got a soft spot for bookplates – they marry my love of books, design and stationery in one affordable package – and these are particularly lovely. If typewriters aren’t your thing (what?!) they do robots, too. £4.95 for 12 from Mac and Ninny.
