
News from Sarah Painter

  • Friday Five: Happy days

    Happy Friday y’all! In defiance of the dreich weather outside I’m spewing sunshine on this here blog. Enjoy… 1. A day that begins with a parcel of books is always going to be good. The very lovely YA author Karen Mahoney sent me both The Iron Witch and its sequel…


  • Don’t break the chain

    No, this isn’t one of those pernicious messages in which I tell you to forward something to five of your closest friends Or Else, it’s a simple tip for productivity from Jerry Seinfeld. Yes, really. I’m a big fan of simple – it matches my brain – but simple is…


  • Film News: A Fantastic Fear of Everything

    A film about a terrified writer who is haunted by a hedgehog. It’s written and directed by that dude from Kula Shaker and stars Simon Pegg. What do you reckon, people? [Via The Guardian]
