
News from Sarah Painter

  • Doing the work

    I’m sorry it’s quiet on here at the moment. Due to some exciting news that I can’t talk about yet, I’m busy rewriting. Now, I love rewriting but I always forget that I love it. I resist it. I try to do it too early (when the first draft is…


  • Film News: The Hunger Games

    I loved The Hunger Games and inhaled it in one heart-pounding session so I’m certainly interested to see the film adaptation. Interested and, of course, a little worried. While the story is practically born-to-be-filmed, it would be such a shame if justice isn’t done. I’m concerned that the director won’t…


  • Speaking of lucky…

    Yesterday’s post made me think about my blessings and, without wishing you all to lightly vomit, they are legion. Top of the list this week has to be this gorgeous dotty apron which my daughter made for my birthday. She had the help of a talented (and wonderful – thanks…
