
News from Sarah Painter

  • Oh, hello 2012, is it that time already?

    Happy (belated) new year! I had a wonderful post planned in my mind. There was going to be a thoughtful re-cap of 2011, inspiration for the future, lists, and a rousing round of goal-setting. Then the post-Christmas apathy lasted longer than it should’ve done and high winds here in Scotland knocked out my…


  • Jingle Bells etc

    I just wanted to wish you all a very happy holiday and to say thank you for visiting my corner of t’internet this year. The photo is of The Dome in Edinburgh. Yes, that is a giant Christmas tree suspended above the circular bar. It changes colour, too.


  • Crafty Christmas: Bird house mantel decoration

    It’s almost certainly too late for me to create my own little bird house mantel for this Christmas – and I’d likely* explode in a non-festive stress bomb if I were to attempt it – but that won’t stop me reading BirdHouse’s tutorial and day-dreaming. Still, our tree went up on the weekend (with…
