
News from Sarah Painter

  • Venice: City of doors and windows

    I can now reveal that last week’s coy allusion to happy busy-ness was in reference to my holiday… Yes, folks, I spent last week sipping wine in the sunshine and wandering the streets of Venice with my lovely family. *Smug mode engaged* Contrary to popular opinion, Venice is not a…


  • Jane Espenson interview

    There’s a great podcast with Jane Espenson (scriptwriter on Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Gilmore Girls, Dollhouse and many more) at Storywonk. If you’re interested in script writing, do yourself a favour and go listen.


  • Not really a blog post…

    Not only am I neck-deep in book revisions, but I have something else going on this week that is keeping me busy (in a happy kind of way, I’m glad to say), which is a long-winded way of saying ‘sorry for the pathetic not-really-a-blog-post’. For pretty pictures, spring-time inspiration and…
