News from Sarah Painter

  • The End of the Summer

    Hello, hello! Apologies for the radio silence, I’ve been busy with summer holiday stuff (lots of lovely visitors, days out and family time) and with – pause for drum roll – Finishing The Book! Hurrah! It is, of course, not really finished. There will (possibly several) rewrites, but it’s an…


  • Monday Motivation: Stamina

      As I’m armpit deep in rewriting at the moment, this John Irving quote has special resonance for me. Stamina isn’t just for the rewriting stage, though, it’s an essential component of building a creative habit, writing (and finishing) a first draft, submitting, and publishing. Do you agree? If so,…


  • Extreme cuteness AKA dog sitting

    The summer holidays have landed here in sunny Scotland and to kick off the festivities we borrowed a dog. Maisie is my mum’s super-cute Jackadoodle and the children had a blast looking after her. I’ve stolen this photo from my mum’s blog so that you can see the extreme cuteness:…
