News from Sarah Painter

  • Midsummer Motivation

    Hello, hello! Hope you had a lovely weekend. After a relaxing family BBQ on Saturday, I had a fabulous burst of energy and spent Sunday doing Useful Things in the house and garden. I also had the urge to reassess my goals for the year and to plan for the…


  • More France! So pretty…

    As promised, here are a few more pictures from my trip to France. The Dordogne in June is very green – every hill is thickly wooded and the hedgerows bursting with plant life. The landscape is a sea of undulating slopes, dotted with picturesque cottages: It’s like the West Country…


  • A Week In France

    Hello! I’m back! I can now reveal that my week of internet silence (offline for a whole seven days – gasp!) was spent in sunny France. In the Dordogne to be precise. To be even more precise, we stayed in a lovely cottage:     It has beautiful gardens with…
