News from Sarah Painter

  • Crafty Christmas: Bird house mantel decoration

    It’s almost certainly too late for me to create my own little bird house mantel for this Christmas – and I’d likely* explode in a non-festive stress bomb if I were to attempt it – but that won’t stop me reading BirdHouse’s tutorial and day-dreaming. Still, our tree went up on the weekend (with…


  • Writers on writing

    I love quotes. I love snarky ones, inspirational ones, and clever ones. I love those seemingly obvious ones that hit you at just the right time so that their meaning clangs inside your brain like a weight dropped from a great height, rendering your mental landscape forever changed. I also,…


  • Book News: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

      As you may guess from his Shakespeare-inspired* title, John Green is an author who refuses to condescend to his readers. Although his books are full of interesting references and child prodigy characters that spout poetry or, in the case of Looking for Alaska, are obsessed with the last words of historical figures, Green wears his intellectualism…
