News from Sarah Painter

  • Repurposed library card catalogues

    I’m obsessed with vintage stuff, everything to do with books, and miniature drawer units, so it was inevitable that I would love reclaimed library card catalogues.  The digital age has shunted library index cards out of favour so there are beautiful wooden card catalogues ripe for repurposing in your home. Tricia of Bits & Bobbins…


  • The 15 minute habit

    Ooh, this post  by Alice Bradley is good. Yes, it’s advice I’ve heard before, but put in a very compelling way. Also, I thought it might be timely… By this point in November, many of us are despairing of ever hitting our NaNoWriMo (or KazNo!) targets or may even have given up the…


  • Progress report. Ahem.

    It appears to be week three of November which means week three of KazNo (or, if you prefer, NaNoWriMo). I should be at around 21,000 words. I am not. Last week flew past in a blur of stressful work-stuff and last-minute suit shopping (just as much fun as it sounds)…
