News from Sarah Painter

  • Letterpress cards from Sapling Press

    I’m a fan of typographic design and old-fashioned letterpress. Even more so when it’s coupled with quirky humour. These excellent greetings cards cost around £2 each from Sapling Press at Etsy and there are lots more ‘Dear…’ designs to choose from.


  • TV: What next?

    My ideal writing routine goes like this: Work on new stuff in the morning (my best time), getting down at least 1000 words. In the afternoon, tackle emails, blog posts, journalism and editing. It also includes a proper lunch break in which I drag myself away from the computer screen…


  • Friday Five

    Okay, so I’ve stolen the idea of ‘Friday Five’ from… Many blogs, probably. But let’s not dwell on that; let’s get to the linky goodness. Five fabulous distractions for your Friday afternoon: 1. The picture above is from this Guardian article about the Bajau sea nomads. I just found it in my saved…
