News from Sarah Painter

  • Revision Hell: An update

    Well, I’ve started the (rather wonderful) Storywonk Revision Class and have got serious with my WIP… A week ago, it looked like this: And now? I think I’m going to need a bigger cork board… I’ve revised books before. I’ve even attempted something similar with index cards and coloured pens…


  • Craft round up

    I’m still neck-deep in my novel revision and that, coupled with the school holiday, means I haven’t had an awful lot of spare time for crafting. I’m still (slowly) knitting, but in the time it’s taken me to advance a scarf a few inches, my daughter has learned to crochet…


  • Art Nouveau Firefly

    I love Art Nouveau and Firefly so these beautiful prints by Megan Lara are a slamdunk for me. The Firefly Les Femmes poster set includes Inara (pictured above), Kaylee, River Tam and Zoe (pictured below). It costs $29.95 from here. [Via Bookshelves of Lesser Doom]
