News from Sarah Painter

  • He’s back!

    No, not Voldemort; my lovely son. My eleven-year-old went on his school outdoor pursuits trip last week. In Scotland. In March. Yes, there was snow… And I missed him terribly. I mean, serious ‘didn’t I used to have two arms?’ missed him. So, the weekend was spent in a contented…


  • Wordy Wednesday: Let’s Have a Cwtch

    I grew up in Wales and although I went to an English-speaking school, I had lessons in Welsh up to the age of thirteen. Twenty-five years later, I have only a handful of phrases and the ability, if drunk enough, to sing the national anthem. However, as a word-nerd, I’m…


  • Zelda Kitzgerald: A Day in the Life

    I was wondering what to share with you guys this week and, truth be told, I was drawing a blank. I’ve been feeling a bit ‘meh’ and haven’t done anything of interest – unless you count shredding loads of paperwork in my continuing mission to declutter the house. Then I…
