News from Sarah Painter

  • The Life-changing Magic of Tidying

    I have a tendency to get a little, um, obsessed by things and my ‘thing’ of the moment is tidying the house. This, in itself, is pretty magical. Or, if you prefer, crazy-unusual. I love my home and my ‘stuff’ and like to keep a basically sanitary environment (clean kitchen…


  • Friday Five: All The Books, All The Time

    So far, 2015 has been really good to me reading-wise. I have enjoyed loads of great books (some of which I got for Christmas or my birthday – yay!) and, better yet, I’ve become totally immersed in them (not always possible since I made books/writing my job…) So, here are…


  • Win A Copy of Winter Tales

    Last year I was delighted to contribute to Winter Tales, a short story collection in aid of two great charities. My story is called ‘The Art of Giving’ and it features Iris Harper (a character from The Language of Spells) in her youth. I’m giving away a paperback edition of the…
