News from Sarah Painter

  • Toot! Toot!

    Toot! Toot! Yes, I’m afraid that’s the unseemly sound of me blowing my own trumpet… I’ve been feeling very nostalgic this month. The warm sunshine and the hedgerows bursting forth with cow parsley reminds me of writing The Secrets of Ghosts. Plus, we’re fast approaching the one year anniversary of my…


  • Progress Report: Slow and Steady

    Hello, my dears! I thought I’d give you a quick update on my progress with the New Book. I’ve got my messy first draft completed – hooray! However, progress has slowed considerably… I’m about a third of the way through the second draft and it’s hard (say that last bit…


  • Friday Five: Random Recommendations

    Hello, hello! Hope you’ve all had a good/productive/positive week! My aim to finish draft two by the end of May has been going pretty well, but it does have the knock-on effect of everything else going to hell in a hand basket. Is that the phrase? I have no idea…
