News from Sarah Painter
Monday Motivation: Treats
While we may write because we love it, completing (and revising) a novel is Hard Work. Plus, as it’s a solo effort, you have to be your own ‘good boss’. I don’t know about you, but this is definitely an area I could improve… I’m pretty good at setting my…
Monday Motivation: The Art of Procrastination
Okay, I know that isn’t a promising title for a motivational post, but bear with me… The Art of Procrastination: A Guide to Effective Dawdling, Lollygagging and Postponing (written by Stanford philosophy professor John Perry) is concise, witty and surprisingly useful. It offers reassurance, as well as stealth tactics that will…
Friday Five: The Writing Life
Friday again! In my part of the world the kids are on holiday from school so it’s been a week of snatched moments on the laptop* and many games of Boggle. Which, just to be clear, is brilliant. I love Boggle. This week, I’ve been thinking about the writing life.…