
News from Sarah Painter

  • Sleep when we’re dead

    I’m lucky; I love my job so I don’t get the Monday morning blues. However, weekends still fly past in the blink of an eye, often leaving me with a bewildered ‘where’d it go?’ expression. Not so with this one. I feel as if I’ve been on holiday for a…


  • Authors for Japan

    My lovely friend, YA author Keris Stainton, has done a very good thing indeed. In order to raise money for the British Red Cross Japan Tsunami Appeal, she has set up an online auction for book-related goodies. A host of generous authors responded immediately to Keris’s idea (overwhelming her slightly, I think!), offering brilliant prizes – including signed…


  • Book News: Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

    Eep! I couldn’t be more excited about this book. I first discovered Laini in her capacity as a visual artist via a Cloth Paper Scissors profile of her covetable Laini’s Ladies line. Next, I read the rather wonderful Blackbringer (which my daughter loved, too) and began reading her gorgeous and inspiring blog. Her forthcoming book Daughter…
