
News from Sarah Painter

  • Behind the book cover

    Anyone who used to read my posts on Trashionista will know that I’m a little bit obsessed with book covers. The good, the bad and the ugly; how they get chosen and designed and how the authors feel about them. And why (oh why) does fiction by women get stuck…


  • Typing ‘The End’

    Brought up on film, I was led to believe that writing involved bashing at a typewriter or computer keyboard for – ooh, minutes – before triumphantly typing the words ‘The End’ and slugging a stiff drink to celebrate. However, in my sadly non-celluloid world, typing these words just means that…


  • Book News: Star Island by Carl Hiaasen

    Florida-based satirist Carl Hiaasen has tackled eco issues, strip clubs, big game hunting, rare species, and golf. Now he pokes his sharpened pencil at celebrity culture in what promises to be another witty and wise thriller. Star Island focuses on twenty-two-year-old pop star Cherry Pye, her entourage of body guards and…
