
News from Sarah Painter

  • How I Used Pictures To Write In The Light of What We See

    When I’m writing I like to collect images which ‘feel’ like my book. In the past, I’ve even made paper-and-glue collages, with small objects and found ephemera stuck into the mix. Visual details and setting are very important to me, but the first draft tends to arrive in the form…


  • Publication Celebration Giveaway – Pretty Book Swag!

    Hello, my lovelies! On the weekend, I took my book out for lunch in Edinburgh, and a good time was had by all… As you can see, my book likes a splash of Prosecco. Quite right, too! As promised, I have procured some goodies to giveaway to celebrate the publication…


  • In The Light of What We See Picked for Kindle First!

    Hello, my lovelies. Something a little bit exciting happened with In The Light of What We See, but I was strictly forbidden from talking about it… It’s been killing me! The book has been chosen as a Kindle First title, which means it is out (Kindle format and in the…
