
News from Sarah Painter

  • Five Weeks And Counting…

    Do you remember the bit in Back To The Future when George McFly receives a box full of copies of his latest book from his publisher? Well, I’ve dreamed of that moment since I first saw the film, and last week it actually happened! Meep! I will apologise right now,…


  • Monday Motivation: Happy Author Is Happy

    It’s Monday morning as I write this – not traditionally a time of deep joy – but I am fizzing with excitement. Okay, some of that may be the caffeine (I didn’t sleep well and possibly over-filled the tea bucket) but it’s mostly happiness. I am just so damn lucky…


  • Hello, February! Writing, Podcasting and Investigating Book Swag

    Hello, my lovelies! Just a quick update to let you know that I’m still here – I’ve just been buried in my Scrivener document, trying to get a first draft finished. I’m working on a follow-up (standalone novel in the same genre) to In The Light of What We See and…
