
News from Sarah Painter

  • Quick Update and Creative Thinking for Beginners

    Hello, my lovelies. How are you all? Thought I would swing by and say ‘hello’ and let you know that I’m still alive and typing… Work and life has run away with me slightly recently but I hope to get into a more regular blogging routine soon. Please let me…


  • Behind the scenes in The Garden of Magic and an interview

    First off, a huge thank you to everyone who has bought, reviewed, or spread the word about The Garden of Magic. I am so grateful. The truth is, without reader support I don’t get to do this, so THANK YOU! If you wish to peek behind the scenes for some…


  • The Garden of Magic Publication Day. Huzzah!

    Meep! The Garden of Magic, a novella-length prequel to The Language of Spells, is out today! You can order it from Amazon and Kobo for just 99p. (iBooks and Nook links are coming soon.) Here’s the blurb: Iris Harper has lived in Pendleford for decades. The local witch is mistrusted by the townsfolk,…
