
News from Sarah Painter

  • New book deal, new hat…

    As you all probably know, the path to getting a book from imagination to publication is not an easy (or short) one. I’ve had the idea for this particular book knocking around in my head for years, but I didn’t feel I was ‘good enough’ to write it. Then I…


  • Holiday fun and novella news

    Well, I’m FINALLY allowed to tell you all that I have a new book coming out. Yay! It’s just a short one (a novella, in fact) and is a prequel to The Language of Spells. It’s called The Garden of Magic and I believe it’s out next month (I will…


  • Wait… What happened to June?

    Goodness, where did that month go?! In Scotland the schools break up at the beginning of July so it has been a whirlwind of end-of-term activities (including a school awards evening for my daughter and an emotional last-day-of-primary for my son) and a race-to-finish as much work as possible before…
