
News from Sarah Painter

  • Wrestling with the WIP, the passage of time, and leaving the house

    Hello, my lovelies – how are you all? I promised myself that I would update the blog today, but I’m feeling pretty scattered and dragging my thoughts into a cohesive post feels impossible. Have some brain vomit, instead! (Apologies.) As the title explains, I am struggling with draft two of…


  • Friday Five: The Feeble Edition

    Argh! It’s the end of the week, already! I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and feeble this week, so this Friday Five is all about trying to combat that. 1. New knitting project. Knitting is definitely good for stress-relief and the repetitive action helps me to think through story ideas, too.…


  • The Language of Spells paperback, interview with Julie Cohen and a giveaway

    Hello, my lovelies. How are you all doing? This week has been both wonderful and a tiny bit stressful. Some of the stuff I can’t tell you (yet!), but I can share that my debut The Language of Spells is now out in paperback. Yay! My author copies haven’t arrived,…
