
News from Sarah Painter

  • Happy Holidays!

    My lovely editor sent me this Christmas bauble. *Happy Author* Just a quick message to say Merry Christmas! I’m shutting down the computer for a week and, although I’ll keep a notebook handy, I’m not *planning* on doing any writing at all. Instead, I’m going to enjoy lots of  reading,…


  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 7 (Almost There!)

    Hello! Just a super-quick check-in today as my Big Deadline is tomorrow and I’ve got at least 10,000 more words to write… Meep! At this time of year the focus is on Christmas parties, school nativities, wrapping gifts, hanging decorations and sending cards, and it can feel a bit strange and…


  • We have a winner!

    Thank you, everyone, for entering my Liberty notebook giveaway. Honestly, I’m so grateful for your visits and comments, I wish I could send you all a gift. My son asked if he could pick the winner, so we went old school for the draw. I wrote down the names on…
