
News from Sarah Painter

  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 6

    Hello my lovelies, how are you? I hope your writing is going well and that having a clear goal in mind is helping. December is a difficult month in which to stay focused, so pat yourself on the back for any work you’ve managed to get done. I’ve really dug…


  • GIVEAWAY: Liberty print notebook

    Tomorrow is the six month anniversary of the publication of my debut novel, The Language of Spells. It’s been such an exciting, time, and I’m incredibly grateful for the support I’ve received from you lovely people. Thank you for visiting my blog (and/or following me on Twitter and Facebook) and…


  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 4

    Oh my goodness, we’re half way through the challenge. How are you guys doing? My revised goal (to rewrite the follow up to The Language of Spells) isn’t quite as easy to track (I’m rewriting and cutting, as well as adding new words), but I was planning to have finished…
