
News from Sarah Painter

  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 3

    Hello, my lovelies. How was your week? I hope you all managed to get lots of words written or a chunk of editing completed. Whatever goal you set yourself, I hope it helped you to get work done when you might not otherwise, and to appreciate your progress, no matter…


  • Authors for the Philippines

    In 2011, following the Japanese tsunami, YA author Keris Stainton, set up a charity auction called Authors For Japan. She raised £13,000 to help those in dire need. In the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, she’s doing it again. Authors for the Philippines is live now. You can…


  • Writing Challenge Check In: Week 2

    Hello my lovelies, I hope your week was word-filled and wonderful! Okay. I’ll level with you all. Mine was… Fine. Not brilliant, but not bad. I got 3322 new words down (which doesn’t include the words I wrote and then deleted when I realised they were very wrong). I got…
