
News from Sarah Painter

  • Eight Weeks and a Challenge

    I was going to title this post ‘eight weeks to Christmas’ but I thought you might throw things at me… There are, however, eight weeks of the school term left, which is both a nice-sounding amount of time for a writing challenge and a terrifying amount of time in which…


  • Making Friends With Procrastination

    I’ve read a lot about procrastination over the last eight years. Some might even say that I’ve turned researching productivity and procrastination into a form of procrastination, but they would be deeply unfair and must be ignored… Ah-hem. I’ve tried lots of techniques and many of them have been helpful.…


  • Author Interview: Katlyn Duncan

    I’m delighted to welcome YA author Katlyn Duncan onto my blog today. Soul Possessed, the second book in The Life After trilogy is out at the end of this month.  1. Soul Possessed is the follow up to your debut YA, Soul Taken. Can you tell us a little about…
