
News from Sarah Painter

  • Guest Post: Aurelia B. Rowl reveals her Scrivener secrets

    Today I’m delighted to welcome fellow Carina author Aurelia B. Rowl.  Thank you for inviting me onto your blog, I’m thrilled to be here. One thing that Sarah and I have in common – aside from the same publisher – is that we both use a writing software called Scrivener.…


  • It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done

    You know I’m fond of a good quote, right? This one (from Nelson Mandela) has been my mantra over the last three weeks while I’ve been wrestling with draft two of the new book. (Well, this and the ‘why is my brain so stupid?’ mantra, but that one’s less helpful…)…


  • Taking my own advice…

    Last week I heard back from my lovely editor re. the first draft of book two. It’s a follow-up to The Language of Spells and I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to match the tone or ‘voice’ of the first book, or that my editor wouldn’t like the…
