
News from Sarah Painter

  • On geekery

    My daughter got taken shopping last week by her aunt and uncle as a birthday treat. She is twelve and shopping-as-fun is a very new concept. She’s at that wonderful (and sometimes scary) stage of working out who she is, what she likes, and how she wants to reflect that…


  • Friday Five: Wunderlist, books and do-goodery

    Goodness, it’s Friday already. 1. I love this by Nathan Bransford (ex-literary agent turned author). It’s the publishing process in GIF form. Very funny. 2. I saw this on Twitter (via Chris Addison, I think) and it’s a great (and hassle-free) bit of do-goodery. Mothers and children who have escaped…


  • How to rewrite

    I’ve edited stuff professionally (non-fiction), been an active member of a critique group for many years, and completed a post-grad in creative writing, but I’m still very much a novice when it comes to rewriting. In fact, I think this book is the first one I have properly rewritten and not…
