
News from Sarah Painter

  • Tutorial (redux): Vintage china cake stand

    I used to run a craft and homewares blog and my lovely mum created this fab tutorial for it. I thought it should have another day in the sun, so here it is. Vintage china cake stand By Jennie Hughes Do you wander around your local charity stores picking up the…


  • Moth Tales

    YA author Karen Mahoney has teamed up with artist Candace Ellis to create a web comic called Moth Tales. The first episode went up yesterday and it looks beautiful. The comic is a companion to Karen’s forthcoming book Falling To Ash and will work as a prequel/side-story thing. It’s a…


  • Friday Five: The gratitude edition

    I’ve sent the rewrite to my brilliant agent, had a relaxing day out with my Mum yesterday, it’s almost the weekend, and I’m feeling very grateful for my life. Happy Friday all! 1. Oh, my office, how I love thee. I love stepping out of the house and actually *going*…
