
News from Sarah Painter

  • La la la… Ooh! Pretty!

    Yes. As you may have gathered from my lack of blogging and the title of this post I haven’t exactly got back into a solid work schedule. Still, the kids go back to school over the next couple of days (darling daughter starts high school on Wednesday – argh!) and…


  • Back to work

    I’m back! After the Big Rewrite I had a week off (a staycation with my lovely family). We took the kids to the beach, had a couple of days out in Edinburgh and went on a camping trip with friends. We had lie-ins in the mornings and wine at night…


  • Writers on writing: F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Letters of Note features this gem written by Fitzgerald to an aspiring writer and family friend who asked him for feedback on a story. “You’ve got to sell your heart, your strongest reactions, not the little minor things that only touch you lightly, the little experiences that you might tell…
