
News from Sarah Painter

  • Done!

    Yes, there’ll almost certainly be another rewrite further down the line and, if I’m lucky enough to get a publishing deal, further edits and copy editing and all that, but right now I’m breathing a big sigh of relief. I finished the book. Now I can enjoy the fact that…


  • Friday Five: The ‘huh?’ edition

    [Image credit: Terry Lightfoot} I’m so close to finishing the book and am unable to think of anything else. Or at all. These links may amuse you or they may make you go ‘huh?’ – I am currently unable to make value judgements of any kind.* 1. These handmade leather…


  • Craft: Pastel painted jars

    Much as recycling is important, re-using stuff is even better. This tutorial shows you how to prettify glass jars with paint. I can see these on my desk or craft table and the ‘how to’ is simple enough to do with the kids. Win!
