
News from Sarah Painter

  • Crazy writer is crazy

    Hello! *waves a little too enthusiastically* I’m still rewriting! I think it’s going well. I love some of the new scenes and, truly, it’s easier than writing first or second draft stuff because I know the characters so well. Except that every tiny thing I change has a knock-on effect. And…


  • Steampunk crochet bunny slippers

    Steampunk crochet bunny slippers. Best. Header. Ever. Just when I think I couldn’t love Jennifer Crusie any more, she starts brainstorming for a new series of books (which sound amazing – meep!) with steampunk crochet. Steampunk crochet, people. Go check out her wonderful creations here and, if you’re inspired to…


  • Tired and emotional

    Yesterday was a very emotional day; It was my daughter’s leavers’ assembly at primary school and I spent the entire day crying on and off. I actually cried myself to sleep last night and I woke up today with a tension headache and the bulbous eyes of an alien.* So…
