
News from Sarah Painter

  • The William Soutar Writing Prize 2012

    This short story competition is run by Perth and Kinross library but is open to writers anywhere in the world. It’s free to enter and the deadline is Monday 18 June 2012. First prize is an Arvon residential writing course (worth around £600) and second prize is £100 in book…


  • The garden office project: A new contender

    I’m the kind of person who does three hours of research before buying a mop, so it’s no surprise that I’ve looked at a lot of garden office companies. A lot. All of this research has clarified a couple of things: I can buy a timber building (with insulation) and…


  • Just keep swimming

    So, it turns out that Dory was right. The very best advice – when it comes to writing a book at any rate – is to just keep swimming. I was reminded of this truism as I looked back through my unfinished projects folder last night. All those ideas that…
