
News from Sarah Painter

  • Weekend round-up: Fun and Geekery

    Good morning! Hope you all had a spiffing Bank Holiday Weekend. Since we’re all back to work, I thought I’d distract you with tales of my weekend. I know, I’m too kind… On Saturday, I headed to Dundee with my daughter to visit the Funk Fair. It was stuffed with…


  • The Writewell Academy

    As I’ve probably mentioned a few hundred times, I’m fan of Jenny Crusie. Her books are my go-to comfort reads; fabulous characters, sparkling dialogue, warm romance and lots of funny. Crusie creates worlds I want to return to time and time again. Hell, I’d live in one of her books…


  • Giddy with fabric love

    Well, would you look at these intriguing parcels that arrived for me this morning. Mysterious, huh? What could be inside? . . . . . . . Only the most perfect, giddy-making fabric I have *ever* seen. My lovely brother and sister-in-law spotted this fabric in The Makery and surmised…
